
Common Acronyms

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Common Acronyms

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Common Acronyms

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Common Acronyms

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Common Acronyms

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Common Acronyms

Government Stakeholders:

EPEA Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act
ADR EPEA Activities Designation Regulation
ADR Also refers to the Alberta Government: Alternate Dispute Resolution
AH Alberta Health
AHS Alberta Health Services
AEP Alberta Environment and Parks
AMWWP Alberta Municipal Water/Wastewater Partnership
AUMA Alberta Urban Municipalities Association
DW Drinking Water
DWOS Drinking Water Operations Specialist
FOIP Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
GCDWG Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality
GWUDI Groundwater Under the Direct Influence of Surface Water
GOA Government of Alberta
HQGW High Quality Groundwater
MAC Maximum Allowable Concentration
MLA Member of Legislative Assembly
MSI Municipal Sustainability Initiative
OHS Occupational Health and Safety
PPB Alberta Environment Provincial Programs Branch
REG Government Regulation

Other Associations:

AAMDC Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Councils (has been replaced by RMA)
AGM Annual General Meeting
AFRWC Alberta Federation of Rural Water Co-ops
APEGA Association of Professional Engineers, and Geoscientists of Alberta
AWWA American Water Works Association
AWWOA Alberta Water and Wastewater Operators Association
CRHNet Canadian Risks and Hazard Network
EPA Environmental Protection Agency (United States)
ERP Emergency Response Plan
MDP Municipal Development Plan
RMA Rural Municipalities of Alberta